1902 E. M. Anthony Letter

Rev. Ephraim M. Anthony (1837-1908) of Raus, Tennessee (a son of Adam Anthony and grandson of Jacob Anthony) wrote the following letter to Thomas Shofner on 30 July 1902:

Kind Sir,

In answer to a request of yourself to me at the last Shofner Reunion, I will now state the following:

My grandmother was Magdalena Shofner, married to my grandfather, Jacob Anthony, in North Carolina.  She was a full sister to Martin and Peter Shofner.  The children were Henry Anthony, Jacob Anthony, Nicholas Anthony, Adam Anthony, and Paul Anthony.  Henry Anthony remained in North Carolina, Jacob settled in Lincoln County, Tennessee; Nicholas lived on a large farm on which Bro. Peter S. Anthony now lives.  Paul Anthony lived in Nordaway County, Mo.  In my grandfather’s family were five sisters who remained in North Carolina.

I have not written the above to get a seat in your councils or have my name recorded in the pages of your fair  history, but in the interest of truth, which will in the end prevail.

I have delayed this letter in the hope of securing Berhniem’s History of the Lutheran Church in North Carolina.  I think in the book, the Shofner family will be found honorably mentioned, in as much as the old stock were all Lutherans.  But I have been disappointed in my efforts to get the book.

May God bless you all,

Yours in friendship bonds,

E. M. Anthony


[This letter is reproduced as it appears on page 39 of Margaret Shoffner DeMoss, Shoffner Family History (privately published 1971)]