- Wilkes County formed from Surry and Rowan 1777 but records do not begin until March 1778.
- There were many changes to the borders of Wilkes in this time period: Part of Burke was annexed in 1789, part of Wilkes was added to Surry in 1792, and part of Wilkes was added to Iredell in 1793. In 1792 part of Washington County, Tennessee was annexed to Wilkes. And Ashe County was formed from Wilkes in 1799.
- Some early records are missing for unknown reasons.
All persons are “of Wilkes County” in the records unless otherwise noted
23 Dec 1778
Land Entry: #606 “James Hais enters 100 acres in Wilkes County on Adamses creek of Reddys River beg. at the upper end of the Bottom at the spur of a hill and running down on both sides the creek.” [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
The abstracted version of this by Mrs. W. O. Absher adds: “Jacob Wall & Walter Brown marked out, James Hais written in” [Mrs. W. O. Absher, Land Entry Book Wilkes County, North Carolina 1778-1781, page 53.]
See land grant at 7 June 1799 below. I read the original entry book at the NC Archives which only shows the entry of James Hais and is dated as above. I interpret Mrs. Absher’s abstract as meaning that the other names were errors by the clerk in some earlier version of the entry that were corrected when the book was compiled by 1781.
25 Feb 1779
Land Entry: #881 “Samuel Nickleson enters 100 acres in Wilkes County beginning at John Howard’s line then south running down on the west side of Osburn’s Creek.” [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
The abstracted version of this by Mrs. W. O. Absher adds: “Henry Hays marked out, Samuel Nickleson written in” [Mrs. W. O. Absher, Land Entry Book Wilkes County, North Carolina 1778-1781, page 53.]
I read the original entry book at the NC Archives which only shows the entry of Samuel Nickleson and is dated as above. I interpret Mrs. Absher’s comment to mean that Henry Hays’ name was written in error by a clerk into some earlier version of the entry, rather than that Henry Hays transferred the claim at a later date.
26 Feb 1779
Land Entry: #885 “Thomas Hambrick enters 100 acres of land in Wilkes County on the waters of the Moravian Creek beginning on the part of Scurlock’s entry running south then west joining David Burns claim or entry”. In margin: “Caveated by Robt. Hays” [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
8 Sept 1779
Land Entry: #1175 “Robert Hais enters 100 acres of land in Wilkes County lying on the Rockey branch the waters of Lewis’s fork joining the line of the land where he now lives being in the line of sd. land extending down on both sides of Rockey branch.” [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
See entry at 8 May 1789. Lewis Fork is near Warrior Creek in southwestern Wilkes County, emptying nowadays into Kerr Scott reservoir.
14 Oct 1779
Land Entry: #1246 “Henry Hayes enters 100 acres of land in Wilkes County lying on Osburns Creek beginning at the County & running down said creek.” [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
“County” means the county line with Iredell County. Mrs Absher reports on page 74 of her abstract that Spencer Adams name was crossed out and Henry Hays substituted, although the actual volume shows Henry Hayes as the claimant. This seems to place Henry Hays in Wilkes as early as 1779.
13 Nov 1779
Land Entry: #1293 “Reuben Hays enters 100 acres of land in Wilkes County beginning on Sweet Laurel Hill & running so as to include the good land joining Nelson Kelley’s line.” [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
He appears to have entered a new claim for the same land in 1786 (see below) which was granted in 1797 (see below). Mrs. Absher reports on page 76 of her abstract that Thomas Hopper’s name was crossed out and Reuben Hayes substituted, but the entry book shows the name as Reuben Hays.
1779 Tax List (partial)
Robert Hays – 5 tracts of land& 1 entry “west for Warrior Creek”
Joseph Hase – 413 acres valued at £25, no polls [name may be “Hare”]
This tax list is simply loose pieces of paper, many without dates or headings, and is incomplete. Districts are missing.
Warrior Creek in in the southwest corner of modern Wilkes County and flows roughly north into the Kerr Scott reservoir.
16 March 1780
Land Entry: #1718 “Henry Hays enters 150 acres of land in Wilkes County beginning at Wm. Morgan’s line on the south side of little fork of Hunting Creek”. [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
This entry was transferred to Anthony Lunsford who received the grant 18 years later on 5 December 1798 [NC Grant Book 100, page 54.] Impossible to know when during those 18 years the transfer occurred.
A large number of family genealogists believe that Henry Hays moved 150-odd miles east to Granville County for the next few years then returned to Wilkes County. It isn’t clear to me if there is any evidence that supports this theory. His land on Hunting Creek and later Osborns Creek was within walking distance of the border with Rowan (later Iredell) County. It seems more logical that he was in Rowan than so far to the east in Granville.
17 Aug 1780
Land Entry: #1879 “James Haies (sic) enters 50 acres of land in Wilkes County beginning at my open line above my house on the branch running south up sd. Branch”. [Wilkes County Land Entry Book 1778-1781, FHC microfilm 007521058]
Again Mrs. Absher’s abstract says that Thomas Hopper’s name was crossed out and James Hays added. I interpret this to mean that Thomas Hopper’s name was an error by the clerk making the entry because the book itself has the name as James Haies.
12 Sept 1781
Marriage Bond: James Hais and Susanna Hopper. Security: Thomas (x) Hopper.
9 July 1782
Marriage Bond: Jessey (x) Haise and Nanney Dickerson. Security: Joseph (x) Fanner.
1782 Tax List
Capt. Rowland Judd’s District: (these names sequential)
Jesse Haise — 100 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle
Thomas Hopper — 100 acres, 1 horse
James Haise — 2 horses, 2 cattle
The 1782 tax list recorded property only. this is the list provided to the Secretary of State. North Carolina was taxing property during the war rather than polls.
14 May 1785
Marriage Bond: George Hayes and Judah Mills. Security: none.
1785 Tax List (incomplete)
James Haise – 50 acres, 1 poll (Possibly Alex. Gordon’s district)
Jesse Hayse – 100 acres, 1 poll (Judd’s district)
Like the 1779 tax list, this exists in the form of loose pieces of paper, with no way of knowing how much of the county is missing.
23 Jan 1786
Land Entry: Reuben Hays, see land grant at 11 Dec 1797 below.
1787 State Census:
Capt. Judd’s District:
Jesse Haise 1 2 2 0 0
Capt. Tribles District:
Robert Hays 0 2 2 0 0
Jesse Hays 1 3 3 0 0
1787 Tax List
Jesse Hays – 100 acres, 1 poll (Judd’s district)
James Hays – 100 acres, 1 poll (Gordon’s district)
About half of this list is extremely faded, making it likely that one or more Hays names were missed. Robert Hays must have been one of those faded names. This is the list sent to the Secretary of State’s office and preserved among state-level records.
3 March 1788
Land Entry: George Hays see land grant at 13 Dec 1798 below.
8 May 1789
Land Grant: Robert Hais, 100 acres lying on the Rockey branch the waters of Lewis’s fork beginning at a hickory and pine the point of a ridge running west crossing the creek… [NC Grant Book 72, page 182. Incorrectly indexed as “Hair” but clearly reads “Hais”.]
9 July 1789
Deed: Henry Adams to James Hays, for £50, 50 acres on the south side of Redies [Reddis] River beginning at a red oak on said river bank & running up said river to where the line crosses said river to a white oak on the bank of the river thence south to a red oak & from thence to the first station. Signed: Henry (x) Adams. Witness: Reuben (x) Hays, Betty (x) Hays, John Lovelace. [Wilkes County Deed Book B-1, page 65.]
1790 Census
Page 149 – 1st Company
George Hays 1 1 3 0
Page 153 – 4th Company
Jas Hays 1 2 3 0
[1 name intervenes]
Robt Hays 2 0 3 0
Page 155 – 5th Company
Henry Hays 1 3 4 0
Page 165 – 12th Company
Reuben Hays 1 2 2 0
Jesse Hays 2 2 2 1
The 4th and 5th columns were combined into a single column by the Wilkes County census marshall.
2 Oct 1790
Land Entry: Jesse Hays, see land grant at 31 Jan 1795
— Jan 1792
Deed: Joshua Murry to John Hones of Burke County, £255, 100 acres south side Yadkin River… Signed: Joshua Murrah. Witness: George Hays, Charles Gordon Jr. [Wilkes County Deed Book B-1, page 156.]
3 Sept 1793
Deed: Francis Elledge of [Fayette County, Kentucky] to Samuel Allen, for £100, 200 acres on waters of Warrior’s Creek… Signed: Francis Elledge. Witness; Jonathan Hughes, Jesse (x) Hais. Thomas (x) Norris. [Wilkes County Will Book 1, page 332.]
8 Nov 1793
Bastardy Bond: £150, “…whereas James Hays hath been charged of begiting (sic) a bastard child on one Ann Hopper now if the said James Hays do indemnify the County of WIlkes and keep said child from becoming chargeable to the said county then this obligation to be void… ” Signed: James Hays. Security: Nathaniel (x) Judd, [Wilkes County Will Book 1, page 382.]
James Hays and Ann Hopper were obviously not married at this time. It is likely that Susanna Hayes had died and James consorted with her sister. They must have married eventually because his widow (see below) was named Ann.
23 Aug 1794
Deed: William Johnson to Cebert Choat, £120, 160 acres Warrior’s Creek…widow Isbell’s line… Signed: William Johnson. Witness; Wm. Woolfork, Isaac Walker, Jesse (x) Hays. [Wilkes County Will Book 1, page 426.]
22 Dec 1794
Deed: Jacob Elledge to Jesse Hays, for £50, 45 acres part of a certain tract of land containing 100 acres on Warrior Creek known by the name of Thomas Elledge’s School House tract… beginning at a gum sapling being the widow Isbell’s corner in the line of the school house tract on the Dry Branch… down the Dry branch to the mouth opposite the mouth of the Wolf Branch then up the Wolfpen (sic) Branch to the north and south line of said tract… Signed: Jacob Elledge. Witness: Wm. Johnson, D. Dieson, John (x) Millender. Recorded May Ct. 1795. [Wilkes County Deed Book B-1, page 428.]
31 Jan 1795
Land Grant: #1316 to Jesse Hays, 320 acres on Warrior Creek adjoining Thomas Hedges Mill Tract, beginning on a pine on a hill being corner of the School House Tract… a gum saplin (sic) in the Dry Branch being the Widow Isball’s corner… the Mill Tract… Entered 2 October 1790. Not recorded until 1800. [NC Grant Book 84, page 102 and Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 850.]
Note in Deed Book: Grant was not “assigned” by Secretary, sent back to be “assigned”, Secretary would not assign it…. The grant was not recorded until 1800, five years after it was issued.
This was copied again into Deed Book F-1, page 352 along with a copy of the original survey dated 10 June 1792 by Ben Elledge, Surveyor. Chain carriers were Jacob Elledge and Gideon Gilbert.
8 Aug 1795
Marriage Bond: John Hays and Elizabeth Holt. Security: Ambrose Holt.
27 Jan 1797
Deed: James Bruce to James Hayes, for £90, 221¾ acres on the Meadow Branch it being a part of a 600-acre tract… beginning at a white oak running east 154p to a pine thence N65E 80p to Wm. Hamon’s line… corner of Jacob Roberts… Signed: James Bruce. Witness: Wm. B. Lenoir, Daniel Bates. Recorded January Ct. 1797. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 110.]
Meadow Branch is in southwestern Wilkes County a few miles northwest of WIlkesboro.
21 Oct 1797
Deed: Samuel Nickleson to Henry Hayes, for £12, 100 acres on the west side of Osborn Creek beginning at a poplar at the mouth of a branch, running west 25ch to a pine… north up the creek to the beginning. Signed: Samuel (x) Nickleson. Witness: William Mitchell, Charles Johnson. Recorded October Ct. 1797. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 281.]
This is a rectangular tract on the west bank of Osborn’s Creek in the extreme southeastern corner of modern-day Wilkes County.
27 Oct 1797
Deed: Samuel Nickleson to Henry Hayes, for £12, 100 acres on the west side of Osband’s [Osborns] Creek beginning at a white oak running south 6ch to a red oak in Brownings line… Kell’s line… Signed: Samuel (x) Nickleson. Witness: William Mitchell, Charles Johnson. Recorded October Ct. 1797. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 282.]
This tract is adjacent to the southern boundary of the above tract.
30 Oct 1797
Deed: Henry Hayes to Joshua Hayes, for £20, 75 acres on the west side Osbands [Osborn’s] Creek beginning at a bunch of post oak saplings on Osband’s Creek running west 26ch to a hickory in Brownings line… Kell’s line… Signed: Henry Hayes. Witness: Wm. Mitchell, David Rash. Recorded October Ct. 1797. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 283.]
This is the southern part of the second tract above.
11 Dec 1797
Land Grant: #1436 to Reuben Hays, 100 acres on Ruth’s branch of Warrior Creek beginning at a hickory near a path where it goes through a gap pf the Sweet Laurel hill & runs west 26p … side of Rath’s Mountain… south 1208p to a hickory near the poles bridge branch… stake on the top of Sweet Laurel Hill… Entered 23 January 1786. [NC Grant Book 96, page 150.]
This was only recorded in the deed books when it sold. See next entry.
6 Jan 1798
Deed: Francis Vannoy to James Hayes, for £100, 200 acres on waters of Meadow Branch being two tracts of 100 acres each granted to William Kilbey and Samuel Burden… Signed: Francis Vannoy. Witness: James Kilbey, Justees(?) Boring, Luis (sic) (x) Cash. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 501.]
23 Jan 1798
Deed:Reuben Hayes to Raney Brock, for “a some of money” unspecified, 100 acres of Ruth’s Branch waters of “Woryar” Creek… [the land granted 11 December 1797.] Signed; Reuben (x) Hays. Witness: John Elledge, Joseph Elledge, Henry (x) Adams. Recorded January Ct. 1798. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 289.]
30 Oct 1798
Marriage Bond: Jon[athon] Hays and Rachel Mitchell. Security: Henry Hayes.
30 Oct 1798
Marriage Bond: William Mitchell Jr. and Sarah Hayes. Security: William Mitchell.
A double wedding of brother and sister?
5 Dec 1798
Land Grant: #1621 State of NC to James Hayes, assignee of James Brown, 50 acres on waters of Reddis River beginning at a pine in Jonathan Watts line running S63W 100p to a poplar in said line… Entered 12 February 1794. [NC Grant Book 100, page 34.]
13 Dec 1798
Land Grant: #1750 State of NC to George Hays, 25 acres on both sides Yadkin River beginning at a poplar on a hill side near a little branch… Spanish oak on a steep hill side then north crossing the river below the falls… Entered 3 March 1788. [NC Grant Book 99, page 60 and Wilkes County Deed Book d, page 463.]
4 Jan 1799
Deed: Joshua Hays to Abel Nickleson, for £40, 75 acres on west side Osborns Creek running west 60ch to a hickory in Browning’s line then 14ch to a red oak then west 31ch to a pine then south… pine in Kell’s line… Signed: Joshua (x) Hayes. Witness: Henry Hayes, Jonathan Hayes. Proved by Henry Hays February Ct. 1799. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 524.]
20 Jan 1799
Deed: Benjamin Crabtree to Joshua Hays, for £160, 100 acres on the Bear Branch waters of Hunting Creek… beginning at a Spanish oak near his fence & running north 126p to a stake thence east 126p to a hickory [describes a perfect square.] Signed: Benjamin Crabtree. Witness: James Fletcher Jr. Jean (x) Lovelace, Elizabeth (x) Tunly. Proved February Ct. 1799. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 530.]
Joshua Hays sold his land on Osborns Creek and is moving about 4-5 miles northwest onto Bear Branch.
26 Jan 1799
Deed: Henry Hays to James Weslock, for £65, 100 acres on west side of Osborn’s Creek beginning at a poplar at the mouth of a branch running west 26ch to a post oak running south 37ch to a black oak thence west 14ch… Abel Nickleson’s line… Joel Pendergrass’s line…Signed: Henry Hays. Witness: Jonathan Hayes, James Hays. Acknowledged by Henry Hays July Ct. 1799. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 681.]
7 June 1799
Land Grant: #1858 to James Hays, 100 acres on Adams Creek beginning at the spur of a hill on a chestnut and white oak on bank of Creek and runs south… Entered 23 December 1778 [NC Grant Book 104, page 12 and Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 805.]
This was entered 21 years earlier. The deed book contains a notation that this grant “was entered under a duplicate warrant by virtue of an Act of Assembly passed in 1796 and liable to become null and void” and that “it appears a duplicate grant has been obtained on the original warrant”.
23 Oct 1799
Deed: Henry Hays to Charles Coleman, for £40, 35 acres on the west side of Aursborne (sic) Creek beginning at a white oak upon James Westlock’s spring branch running north 40ch to a red oak near the corner of the fence that formerly did belong to Joel Pendergrass thence east 20ch to a stake near the creek thence down the creek… Signed: Henry Hays. Witness: James McChauffey(?), James Hays. [Wilkes County Deed Book D, page 810.]
Henry Hays has now sold all the land he bought in 1797. He has been in Wilkes for about ten years but has owned land for only about two of those years. He will not buy new land after this. Was he renting? Or living with a relative? Not that he is listed practically consecutive with Jesse Hays in the 1800 census.
29 Jan 1800
Deed: Sarah Hamon, Benjamin Hamon, Druscilla Hamon, Joseph Hamon, and Ambrose Hamon to James Hayes, for £100, 214 acres both sides Meadow Branch a fork of Reddis River … to a pine at the road near the Meeting House… down the ridge…. Signed Sarah (x) Hamon, Benjamin Hamon, Joseph Hamon, Druscilla (x) Hamon, Ambrose Hamon. Witness: Ah? Kilbey, Asbeal Cross, Susannah (x) Kilbey. Proved February Ct. 1800.
1800 Census
Rage 42
George Hays: 2 0 0 1 0 – 2 2 0 1 0
Page 43
Jesse Hays: 3 0 1 1 1 – 1 0 0 0 1 – 4 (these names consecutive)
[1 name intervenes]
Jonathan Hays: 1 0 1 0 0 – 0 0 1 0 0
Henry Hays: 2 1 0 1 0 – 2 1 1 1 0
Page 44
Joshua Hays: 1 1 0 1 0 – 2 1 0 1 0
Page 45
Archibald Hays: 1 0 0 1 0 – 3 0 0 1 0 (names consecutive)
Reuben Hays: 3 1 1 1 0 – 1 0 0 1 0
Page 46
James Hays: 4 2 0 1 0 – 1 0 1 1 0
The census results were arranged alphabetically with all the “H” names together, but apparently sequenced district by district with the districts unidentified.
3 Feb 1801
Marriage Bond: Hicks Combs and Keziah Hays. Security: Henry Hays.
5 May 1801
Indenture: Wilkes County Court binds to Reuben Hayes “an orphan girl named Rebeckah Adams aged twelve years the 10th of January last” to learn the occupation of a spinster until reaching the age of 18… Signed: Reuben (x) Hayes. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 34.]
30 Nov 1801
Land Grant: #2234 State of NC to James Hayes, 50 acres on the waters of the Maiden Cane Branch the waters of Reddis River beginning at a white oak in Michael Kilbey’s line running south 120p to a stake and pine thence west 94p… Entered 15 April 1799. [NC Grant Book 111, page 370 and Wilkes County Deed Book C-1, page 280.]
30 Nov 1801
Land Grant: #2221 State of NC to Joshua Hayes, 50 acres lying on the Brushy Mountain beginning in his line a white oak running north 63p to a hickory thence west crossing a branch 126p to a red oak thence south 63p to a chestnut oak thence east to the beginning [note: laid out as a perfect square]. Entered 20 April 1799. [NC Grant Book 111, page 367 and Wilkes County Deed Book C-1, page 547.]
12 Feb 1803
Deed: James Hayes to James Kilbey, for £60, 100 acres on waters of Meadow Branch beginning at an oak running south 40 ch to a red oak and white oak… Signed: James Hayes. Witness: John Forester, Jacob (x) Roberts, Wm. (x) Viara. Recorded May Ct. 1803. [Wilkes County Deed Book C-1, page 475.]
17 Dec 1803
Land Grant: #2468 State of NC to James Hays, 50 acres on the head of Coles Creek beginning near the top of the mountain on a large chestnut running south 80p to a stake then east 100p to a locust in Jacob Roberts line then north 80p to a locust near the top of said mountain… Entered 17 November 1801. [NC Grant Book 117, page 196 and Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 117. ]
17 Dec 1803
Land Grant: #2469 State of NC to Archibald Hays, 50 acres on a branch of Reddis River beginning near the cross path above Jones cabin.. Entered 19 November 1801. [NC Grant Book 117, page 196 and Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 87.]
Note: both grants were recorded consecutively in the grant book.
20 Dec 1803
Land Grant: #2476 State of NC to Reuben Hays, 100 acres on Sartain branch beginning at a white oak then south 140p to two white oaks and a chestnut… Entered 19 November 1801. [NC Grant Book 117, page 198.]
This does not appear to have been recorded in the deed books.
10 Dec 1804
Land Grant: #2506 State of NC to Joshua Hays, 50 acres on the Brushy Mountain beginning at a chestnut oak in his line running east 100p to a Spanish oak then north 80p to a red oak then west 100p to a red oak in his line then south with said line to the beginning. Entered 1 August 1804. [NC Grant Book 120, page 220.]
This does not appear to have been recorded in the deed books.
10 Dec 1804
Land Grant: #2512 State of NC to James Hays, 50 acres beginning on a poplar then north 56p to a dogwood in Jacob Roberts line then east with said [line] 146p to a stake then south 56p to a stake in John Brown’s line then west with said line to the beginning. Entered 19 November 1801. [NC Grant Book 120, page 222 and Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 206.]
11 [blank] 1805
Deed: George Hays to David Allen, for £50, 25 acres both sides Yadkin River originally granted to the sd. Hays beginning at a poplar on a hill side near a little branch… [the 1798 grant] Signed: George Hays. Witness: Eli Coffey, Thos. Coffey, Wm. Davenport. [Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 339.]
Feb 1805
Recorded: Inventory of Henry Hayse’s estate: “To one still with its utensils” two horses. seven cattle, 21 hogs, 4 sheep, 13 geese, corn, bacon, three feather beds, 11 plates, 2 basins, 10 spoons, 7 tin cups, a “set” of knives and forks, iron pot, Dutch oven, frying pan, two skillets… “one Bible and hymn book and two spelling books and one history”, sheep shears, taylor’s sheers, [long list of tools]… Signed: Keziah (x) Hays, administratrix. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 145.]
If he owned no land, where were the livestock kept? It appears from the list of buyers at the estate sale that he was living on land owned by Joshua Hays on Bear Branch, as some of the names were neighbors to Joshua Hays.
April 1805
Recorded: Estate Sale of Henry Hays: Buyers included Jonathan Hays, Hartwell Hays, Keziah Hays, Anthony Haden, Joshua Souther, John Stanley, John Marlow, Archibald Lovelace, Samuel Wilson, John Keaton, Shadrach Stanley. Total Sales £141:14s:1d. Signed: Keziah (x) Hays, administratrix [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 147-149.]
27 April 1805
Deed: Mary Mitchell widow & relict of William Mitchell dec’d, William & Moses Mitchell, Jonathan Hays and Rachel his wife formerly Rachel Mitchell, Nancy & Mary Mitchell, heirs of William Mitchell, to James Travess for £100, 138 acres on the south side of Hunting Creek. Signed: Mary (x) Mitchell, William Mitchell, Moses Mitchell, Jonathan Hays, Rachel (x) Hays, Nancy (x) Mitchell, Mary (x) Mitchell. Witness: Anthony Haydon, William (x) Chambers. [Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 193.]
27 April 1805
Deed: Mary Mitchell widow & relict of William Mitchell dec’d, William Mitchell, Jonathan Hays and Rachel his wife formerly Rachel Mitchell, Nancy & Mary Mitchell, heirs of William Mitchell, to Moses Mitchell for £100, 138 acres on the south side of Hunting Creek, 38 acres in Iredell County, rest in Wilkes County. Signed: Mary (x) Mitchell, William Mitchell, Jonathan Hays, Rachel (x) Hays, Nancy (x) Mitchell, Mary (x) Mitchell. Witness: Anthony Haydon, William (x) Chambers. [Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 194.]
9 Sept 1805
Deed: Joshua Hays to Anthony Hayden, for $220, three adjoining tracts of land in the Brushy Mountains totaling 200 acres… [descriptions match his 100 acre purchase of 1799 and his two 50 acre grants of 1801 and 1804}… Signed: Joshua Hays. Witness: Jonathan Hays, William Lewis. Proved by Jonathan Hays at November Ct. 1813. [Wilkes County Deed Book G-H, page 435.]
Joshua Hays is leaving the area and selling all his land. Note that Jonathan Hays proved the deed eight years later.
5 Nov 1805
Marriage Bond: Hartwell Hayes and Rebekah Brown. Security: Jesse (x) Combs.
13 Aug 1807
Deed: Joseph Hickerson to Reuben Hays, for $500, two adjoining tracts on both sides of Mulberry Creek, one of 150 acres and one of 100 acres. Signed: Joseph Hickerson. Witness” Fielding Forester, Robert Bruce, Jeremiah Crysel? [Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, page 519.]
19 Sep 1807
Marriage Bond: Thomas Hays and Sally Rucker. Security: John (x) Coffey.
28 Nov 1807
Land Grant: #2600 State of NC to James Hays, 50 acres on waters of Reddis River on a branch called the Meadow branch beginning on the south corner of Burdine’s line where it joins Kelby’s line running west with Burdine’s line 54p to a white oak on said Hays line… agreed line between Jonathan Walls and John Brown Esq… pine in Michael Kelbey’s old line… to two chestnuts James Kilbey’s line… Entered 24 June 1806. [NC Grant Book 120, page 222 and Wilkes County Deed Book F-2, page 72.]
23 Dec 1807
Deed: Reuben Hays to William Adams, for $10, 100 acres on Certain branch, beginning at a white oak and chestnut thence west 114p… [the grant of 1803]. Signed: Reuben (x) Hays. Witness: Robert Daniels, Fielding Forester. [Wilkes County Deed Book F-2, page 107.]
14 Dec 1808
Land Grant: #2660 State of NC to Reuben Hays, 50 acres on Certain Branch the waters of Reddis River beginning not far above the mouth of the first crossing place a white oak running north 74p to a stake and Spanish oak in said Hays other line… Entered 3 February 1806. [NC Grant Book 124, page 110.]
This does not appear to have been recorded in the deed books.
3 Oct 1810
Marriage Bond: Robert Hays and Nancy Noland. Security: Peter Noland.
1 Nov 1810
Guardian Bond: Ann Hays bond for £4,000 as guardian to Reuben, William, Joseph, and Nancy Hayes orphans of Jesse Hays dec’d. Signed: Ann (x) Hays. Security: James Willborn. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 316.]
Some post-1810 records
Feb 1811
Recorded: Inventory of Archibald Hayes: 5 cattle, 15 hogs, one bed, [modest household and farm goods] Signed: Reuben (x) Hayes, administrator. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 199.]
Feb 1811
Recorded: Inventory of Jesse Hays deceased: 10 Negroes… four feather beds… “sundry small articles too tedious to mention”… 6 books… five saddles… livestock… Many notes on a variety of people including James Brown, notes on John Brown, William Brown, James Ellison, Gideon Gilbert, Ambrose Parks, William Grissom, James Willborn, and many others. Total estate: $2,488.56. Ann Hays and Robert Hays, administrators. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 322.]
Feb 1811
Year’s provision laid off for family of Ann Hays, widow of Jesse Hays dec’d. Commission: Wm. Johnson, Am. Parks, Wm. Trible, William Swanson. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 324.]
Feb 1811
Recorded: Estate Sale of Jesse Hays dec’d. Buyers included Ann Hays, Robert Hays, others. Total amount: $341.94. Ann Hays and Robert Hays, administrators. [Wilkes County Will Book 2, page 324-5.]
9 Aug 1811
Deed: Mordecai Bruce to Hugh Hays, for £380, 160 acres in two tracts. A 100 acre tract beginning at a red oak in the line of Joseph Hammon near the path that runs from Daniel Gullets to the maple swamp… to a chestnut on the mountain side… line of Thomas Foster…; Another tract of 60 acres beginning on a black oak at the agreed line of Nathan Vannoy and John Shepherd… Signed: Mordecai (x) Bruce. Witness: James Hays, James Kilbey. [Wilkes County Deed Book I, page 21.]
1 May 1812
Division of Negroes of Jesse Hays dec’d. Commission appointed to do so, divided the ten Negroes among the widow Ann Hays, and children Robert Hays, Reuben Hays, William Hays, Joseph Hays, and Nancy Hays. [Wilkes County Will Book 3, page 34.]
2 Aug 1814
Deed: Addison Foster to William Hays, for $200, 250 acres on waters of Cub? Creek… Aquilla Grear’s line… Signed: Addison Foster. Witness: Enoch Fletcher, Benjm (x) Brock. [Wilkes County Deed Book G-H, page 512.]
2 Aug 1814
Deed: Addison Foster to William Hays, for $800 silver dollars, 250 acres on east side of Moravian Creek beginning on Reuben Hampton’s corner oak in the fork of the road… Hampton’s line to Joshua Grear’s line to where it crosses the Moravian Creek… David Dickerson’s line… across the Bushs Road… Signed: Addison Foster. Witness: Enoch Fletcher, Benjm (x) Brock. [Wilkes County Deed Book G-H, page 514.]
6 Sept 1814
Deed: William Hays to David Dickerson, for $400, 100 acres on Moravian Creek beginning at a poplar in a branch then down the branch 100p… Signed: William (x) Hays. Witness: William Brown, Adison Foster. [Wilkes County Deed Book I, page 106.]
16 March 1816
Death of James Hays: Petition of Susanna Hays declares that her husband James Hays died 16 March 1816 leaving your petitioner his widow and relict and six [crossed out] children: George Hays, Hugh Hays, Joseph Hays, Daniel Hays, Ezekiel Hays, David Hays, and Susannah Hays. [Wilkes County Loose Estate Files, folder labeled Hays, James 1818″]
April 1816
Recorded: Inventory of James Hays dec;d. Negro boy named James, Negro girl named Tenar, five horses, 21 cattle, 22 sheep, “between twenty & thirty head of hogs”, one still, ten hogsheads, 8 casks, 4 tubs, one set of blacksmith’s tools and a small set of coopers tools…”a small assortment of books”… two tables and nine chairs… three beds… 20-30 barrels each of corn and rye… Hugh Hays, administrator. [Wilkes County Will Book 3, page 115.]
22 June 1816
Land Partition: Commission appointed to divide the land of Jesse Hays deceased divided the land among the legatees, to wit: Reuben Hays, William Hays, Robert Hays, David Yates & Nancy his wife, and Ann Hayes, guardian of Joseph Hays… [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 59.]
26 Sept 1816
Deed: James Hays to Sterling More [Moore] pf the county of Rowan, for $325, 200 acres beginning at James Fletcher’s corner running east 140p to a chestnut then north 118p to a white oak then west crossing cranes creek… Signed: James Hays. Witness: Samuel (x) Anderson, John (x) Mise? Recorded May Ct. 1817. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 104.]
24 Oct 1816
Deed: Ann Hays, widow, to William Gilreath Sr. for $580, 360 acres on “both sides Moravian Creek beginning on a red oak near the said creek on William Terrell Lewis’s corner…” Signed: Ann (x) Hays. Witness: M. Stokes, H. H. Gilreath. Proved November Ct. 1816. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 11.]
Nov 1816
Recorded: inventory of Notes and Executions of estate of James Hays dec;d. Many notes (principals not identified) due the estate, unpaid bills for brandy, corn (liquor I assume), small debits on a large number of people including Jesse Hays (50¢) and Hugh Hays ($3). Hugh Hays, administrator. [Wilkes County Will Book 3, page 136-7.]
Nov 1816
Recorded: Sale of estate of James Hays dec;d. Buyers not identified except “George Hays to sundries $62.72.” Items sold included 39 gallons of brandy. Hugh Hays, administrator. [Wilkes County Will Book 3, page 138.]
12 Nov 1816
Deed: William Hays to Montford Stokes, for $400, 250 acres on Cub Creek… Grier’s corner… Aquilla Grear’s line…white oak on Jesse Fork… being the same land heretofore conveyed from John Laws and Edmund Jones to Addison Foster by deed dated 19 December 1811 and conveyed byb said Foster to William Hays by deed dated 2 August 1814. Signed: WIlliam “8” Hays. Witness George Witherspoon, H M. Stokes. Proved November Ct. 1817. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 161.]
The signature is recorded with a mark tha tlooks exactly like “8”
12 Nov 1816
Deed: William Hays and David Dickerson to Montford Stokes, for $600, 250 acres on both sides Moravian Creek begonning on Reuben Hampton’s corner oak in the [fork] of the Burke and Iredell Road… Joshua Greer’s line… crosses Moravian Creek… across the Burke Road… part of a tract granted to Aquilla Greer 22 September 1785. Signed: WIlliam “8” Hays, David (x) Dickerson. Witness George Witherspoon, H M. Stokes. “as to William Hays“; Ann (x) Hays, Lewis Johnson, Joel (x) Johnson “as to David Dickerson.” Proved November Ct. 1817. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 163.]
9 Dec 1816
Deed: William Hays & Reuben Hays to Robert Hays, for $205, 168 acres comprised of William Hays and Reuben Hays back lots of 56 acres each as their share of the lands of their father Jesse Hays deceased, and also their share of the widow’s dower land after her decease, 28 acres each. Signed: William Hays, Reuben Hays. Witness: Wm. Johnson, David Yeates. Recorded February Ct. 1817. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 56.]
20 Dec 1816
Deed: Jean Church to Hugh Hays, for $50, 40 acres on the north fork of Lewis fork being a part of a tract of land whereon William Church formerly lived, it being the widow’s part of said tract. Signed: Jean (x) Church. Witness: Jesse (x) Deford?, John (x) Harmon. Recorded February Ct 1817. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 62.]
Lewis Fork is near Warrior Creek and now partly underwater at Kerr Scott reservoir.
4 Feb 1817
Deed: Joseph Hays to Robert Hays, for $25, 56½ acres on Warrior Creek, also his part of his mother’s the widow’s dower land… Signed: Joseph Hays. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 58.]
26 July 1817
Land Grant: Robert Hays, 100 acres on waters of Warrior Creek beginning at a white oak on Hood’s line… [a perfect square]. Entered 13 March 1817. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 252.]
26 July 1817
Deed: Jesse Robinett to Joseph Hays, for $150, 220 acres on waters of Reddis River on Brown’s Creek whereon the said (sic) Larkin Cash family lived beginning at or near the conditional line made by Robert Bruce & John Carrol runnng south 260p to a red oak thence with the various courses of said creek 140 p to a white oak… Signed: Jesse Robinett. Witness: Litle Hickerson, William (x) Adams. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 247.]
26 July 1817
Deed: Jesse Robinett to Joseph Hays, for $150, 200 acres part of a tract of 400 acres granted to John Bruce 9 July 1794 which was sold to Robert Bruce and John Carroll and by them divided by a conditional line… the part now conveyed is to include all the land on teh north side of that conditional line. Signed: Jesse Robinett. Witness: Litle Hickerson, William (x) Adams. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 325.]
28 July 1817
Deed: Joseph Hays to William Adams, for $150, 220 acres on waters of Reddis River on Brown’s Creek whereon the said (sic) Larkin Cash family lived beginning at or near the conditional line made by Robert Bruce & John Carrol runnng south 260p to a red oak thence with the various courses of said creek 140 p to a white oak… Signed: Joseph Hays. Witness: Fielding Forester, Reuben (x) Hays. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 233.]
Peculiar — he only owned the land for two days.
3 Nov 1818
Deed: William Adams to George Hays, for $50, [acreage not given] on waters of Reddis River beginning at a chestnut in Larkin Cash’s south line running south 100p to a post oak thence east crossing a branch to a pine 160p thence north 100p to a red oak… Signed: William Adams. Witness: Joseph Hays, Reuben Hays. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 499.]
2 Aug 1819
Deed: Thomas Foster to Hugh Hays, for $200, 200 acres on waters of Lewis Fork… beginning on a [blank] by Dawson’s branch near a conditional line agreed on by William Mitchell running north 127p… black oak on the spur of the mountain… [a square plot] Signed: Thomas Foster. Witness: Thomas Prophet, Lewis Cash. [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 490.]
31 Jan 1820
Deed: Joseph Hays to Jordan Chavis, for $200, 100 acres on Adams Creek beginning at the spur of a hill at a chestnut and white oak on the bank of the creek and running south 120p to a pine… Signed: Joseph Hays. Witness: William H Adams, Thomas (x) Garden? [Wilkes County Deed Book 24, page 571.]
This is the 1799 grant to James Hays.