Unless otherwise indicated, all references in the Reynolds Family documents are from original sources. The source is noted in brackets. The tithables lists are excepted, all of them being available in the Surry deed books. (All of the tithables lists for Surry County 1668-1703 have also been transcribed and published in the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy.)
Some isolated references to secondary sources other than those below are noted in the text.
Several secondary sources were heavily utilized. For these, the source is noted in brackets with the original reference followed by the words “abstracted by _____” or something similar, where the actual source is as follows:
Surry County
William Lindsay Hopkins, Surry County Virginia Deeds, 1684-1733 and Other Court Papers (Reprint by Iberian Publishing Co., 1994)
William Lindsay Hopkins, Surry County Virginia Deeds and Estate Accounts 1734-1755 (Reprint by Iberian Publishing Co., 1994)
William Lindsay Hopkins, Surry County Virginia Deeds and Estate Accounts, 1757-1786 (Reprint by Iberian Publishing Co., 1995)
Eliza Timberlake Davis, Wills and Administrations of Surry County, Virginia 1671-1750 (Reprint by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1980)
Lyndon H. Hart, Wills, Estates, Accounts and Inventories 1730-1800, Surry County Virginia (Southern Historical Press, 1984)
Weynette Parks Haun, Surry County, Virginia Court Records, 10 Volumes (Self-published, 1986-1997) Note that these are transcripts, not abstracts.
Isle of Wight County
Blanche Adams Chapman, Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1647-1800 (Fourth edition, Willow Bend Books, 2002)
Blanche Adams Chapman, Marriages of Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1628-1800, (Genealogical Publishing Co., reprint 1976)
John Bennett Boddie, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County Virginia (Reprint by Heritage Books, 1993) The abstracts are by Eliza Timberlake Davis.
William Lindsay Hopkins, Isle of Wight County Virginia Deeds 1647-1719, Court Orders 1693-1695, and Guardian Accounts 1740-1767, (Reprint by Iberian Publishing Co., 1995)
William Lindsay Hopkins, Isle of Wight County, Virginia Deeds, 1720-1736 and Deeds 1741-1749 (Reprint by Iberian Publishing Co., 1994)
William Lindsay Hopkins, Isle of Wight County, Virginia Deeds, 1750-1782 (Iberian Publishing Co., 1995)
William Lindsay Hopkins, Suffolk Parish Vestry Book 1749-1784 and Newport Parish Vestry Book 1724-1772 (Iberian Publishing Co., 1988)
Note that there are several gaps in the records of both Isle of Wight and Surry. Nearly forty years of early Isle of Wight deeds are missing (1649-1688), and some wills and estate records from the late 1650s and early 1660s appear to be missing as well. Essentially all the court records are also lost. Early Surry County wills are also lost, apparently having been filed in James City County. The Surry court records are missing from 1719 through late 1741. Other gaps in the records are noted in the Chronologies if they appear to be significant.