The following abstracts are in chronological order. Comments are in blue italics.
28 July 1796 200 acres surveyed for Michael Trubaw. [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #145.]
27 Mar 1797 Deed: James Dromgold (Dromgool?) of Logan County to Michael Traughbough of Logan County, for $100, 50 acres… forks of Red River… south of a remarkable salt peter cave… Witness: Frances Cullen Jr., Peter Cartwright. [Logan County Deed Book A-1, p96]
11 Nov 1798 100 acres surveyed for Michael Trobough waters of Red River in Logan County. Book 5, p343. [The Kentucky Land Grants, W. R. Jillson (Genealogical Publishing Co., reprint 1971, p423.]
29 Dec 1801 Deed: John Baily to Michael Trober, both of Logan County, for $222, 54a… in the fork of red River… Henry Smith’s NE corner… James Bailey line… Elijah Bailey corner… Rubin Bailey’s line… Recorded 18 Jan 1802 [Logan County Deed Book A-1, p471]
8 Apr 1805 Deed: Peter Cartwright and Christiana his wife of Livinston County, Kentucky to Michael Trobough of Logan County, for $700, 200a… forks of the Red River… Witness: John Copeland, James Cartwright, Levin Cartwright. Recorded 20 May 1805. [Logan County Deed Book A, p314]
14 Oct 1805 John Baily of Lincoln County, Kentucky to Michael Troback: (the same 54a as in the deed of 29 Dec 1801). Signed by James Baily and Seller his wife. Recorded 16 Oct 1805. [Logan County Deed Book A, p395]
Michael Traughber was apparently obtaining a dower release from Bailey’s wife for the deed dated four years earlier.
13 Oct 1807 207 acres surveyed for Michael Trobough on Tennessee State Line in Logan County. Book 5, p344. [Jillson, p423.]
207 acres surveyed for Michael Trubaw on Wolsey’s Creek. [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #261.]
Same survey recorded in two different locations.
14 Oct 1807 31 acres surveyed for Michael Trobough on waters of Red River in Logan County. Book 5, p343. [Jillson, p423.]
31 acres surveyed for Michael Trubaw on Red River. [Logan County Index to Surveys1796-1840, Survey #266.]
Again, the name is spelled differently in two different locations. The land was granted fourteen months later.
27 May 1808 60 acres surveyed for Michael Trubaw on South Fork of Red River. [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #33.]
14 Jun 1808 Deed: Michael Trobough and Betsy his wife to Richard Dallom, for $216, 54 acres… granted to Trobough by John Bailey. Recorded on same date. [Logan County Deed Book B, p262]
6 Apr 1810 Deed: Thomas McLane (McLean) and Mary his wife of Logan County to William Traubough Sr. now of Logan County, 194 acres… between forks of Red River… adjoining Robert Paisley… Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book C, p91]
15 Nov 1810 Deed: Alex Gordon of Robertson County, Tennessee, to John Troubough, for $900, 200 acres… patented to Thomas Barker in 1797… Witness: Jos. McDowell, Robert Ewing, John Gordon, John Widick, W. Beaubearg?. Recorded 15 April 1811. [Logan County Deed Book C, p234]
17 Nov 1810 Deed: Robert Paisley to William Trobough, $200, 20 acres… on the side of an old road… William Harrison’s line… McLean’s line… Witness: Michael Finley, John Paisley, John Trobough. Recorded 15 April 1811. [Logan County Deed Book C, p236]
This adjoins the 194 acres that William Trobough bought seven months earlier.
19 Dec 1812 Deed: Michael Trobach to William Baker, $350, 100 acres between forks of the Red River… part of a tract patented by sd Trabach… William Kirkland’s line… [Logan County Deed Book C, p552]
4 July 1814 Deed: Michael Trobough to his brother William Trobough $125, 31 acres… McDowell’s line… Chandler’s old line… to the State Line… granted to Michael Troughbough by patent bearing date 12 December 1808. Recorded 1 August 1814. [Logan County Deed Book D, p157]
25 July 1814 Deed: Michael Trobach to John Copeland, for the sum of Copeland having been jointly concerned with him in the entry of a tract of land entered in the name of Benjamin Fry containing 205 acres, 62 acres of which is hereby conveyed to sd Copeland he having paid a proportionate part of the State price… William Trimbles survey…Timothy Chandler’s old line… Witness: John K. Mangham, John Trimble, Blanche Mangham. Recorded 7 October 1814. [Logan County Deed Book D, p194]
8 Oct 1814 100 acres surveyed for Michael Trobough on Clifty Creek in Logan County. Book 17, p63. [Jillson, p423.]
100 acres surveyed for Michael Trubaw on Clifty Creek. [Logan County Index to Surveys1796-1840, Survey #270.]
This is quite a distance from his other land.
10 May 1815 Deed: Robert Paisley Sr. to Henry Troubough, $105, 10 acres and 68 poles… between forks of the Red River… south side of Old Gallatin Road… opposite to Paisley’s cotton machine… corner of William Trobough… Witness: Peyton Nowlin, John Widick, George Widick. [Logan County Deed Book D, p311]
10 Aug 1815 Deed: John T. Baker to William Trobough, $140, 40 acres. Witness: Joseph Hildebrand, Jacob Widick. Recorded 7 October 1815. [Logan County Deed Book E, p25]
7 Nov 1815 193 acres surveyed for Michael Trobough on N. Fork of Red River in Logan County. Book 19, p121. [Jillson, p423.]
10 Nov 1815 193 acres surveyed for Michael Trubaw on N. Fork of Red River [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #334.]
This land, for some reason, was not included in the division of Michael Trobough’s land after his death. His heirs sold the land as a separate parcel.
19 Aug 1816 Deed: Robert Ewing to William Trobough, $32, 8 acres… between the forks of the Red River… to the NE corner of a 40 acre tract deeded by J. T. Baker to sd Trobough… Witness: John Drumm, Adam Pence. Recorded 22 April 1817. [Logan County Deed Book E, p466]
25 Feb 1817 Marriage: Henry Trumbough and Catherine Rust. [Logan County General Index to Marriages 1790-1818.]
The marriage records before 1818 are now destroyed. They were copied by the Russellville DAR chapter from cards in the possession of Eugene Nourse, whose father had copied them from the originals before they became too dim with age.
2 Sep 1817 Deed: William Trobough Sr. to John Widick, for $400, 91 acres… between forks of the Red Rvier… the sd Trobough reserving the privilege of getting water out of a sinkhole spring on sd tract near Widick’s house… Witness: Peter Nowlin, B. C. Anderson, Eliza C. Bridgewater. Recorded 6 April 1818. [Logan County Deed Book F, p225]
4 May 1818 Deed: William Trobough to Michael Trobough, for $350, 40 acres and 8 acres… two tracts of land on road leading from Russellville to Nashville… between forks of the Red River… Witness: John Drumm, Henry Troughbough, Ovel Row. Recorded 8 May 1818. [Logan County Deed Book E, p257]
These are the two adjoining parcels he bought in 1815 and 1816. Note that he only paid $172 for them and is now selling for more than twice that amount, so they must have been improved in some significant way.
8 May 1818 Deed: William Trobough Sr. to Henry Trobough, for the love and affection which I bear my loving son Henry Trobough, all that tract of land and plantation on which I now live… between forks of the Red River… Thomas McLane’s claim… corner of military survey mad for William Roberts… Andrew Miller’s line… Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book F, p259]
William Trobough Sr. has now disposed of all of his 214 acres. He sold 91 acres to son-in-law John Widick in 1817 and is now giving the remaining 123 acres to Henry Trobough – surely in exchange for Henry’s care during his remaining years.
Apr 1819 Christian Orndorff, Abel Morgan James Turner, John Copeland, William Gorham, William Trobough, and Robert Baker were appointed Commissioners. [Montgomery Vanderpool, Logan County, Kentucky Abstract of Equity Cases, Vol. 1, page 97.]
11 Sep 1819 Deed: Peter Cartwright of Christian County, Kentucky to Michael Trobough, $25, — acres on waters of Red River… corner Robert Ewing… all the balance of land embraced in original grant to Cartwright… Witness: E. M. Ewing, John Breathitt. Recorded 20 November 1819. [Logan County Deed Book G, p497]
7 Aug 1820 Census: The ‘as of” date in 1820 was August 7.
Logan County, Kentucky
p39 Michael Trober 121302 – 23101 [s/o William]
[Adam Pence and Michael Keller are within three names]
p39 Henry Trober 100010 – 10100 [s/o William]
p39 William Trober Junr. 110110 – 22010 [s/o William]
p39 Henry Trober Junr. 100100 – 10100 [s/o William Jr.]
[These 3 are consecutive]
p40 William Trober 100011 – 10101
Henry Trobough may have been – probably was — counted twice, once in his own household and once in William Trobough’s.
Note that Michael Trobough’s household fits his family perfectly except that there are four “extra” males: two aged 10-16, one aged 16-26, and one over 45.
13 May 1821 Equity Suit: William Traughber vs. Joseph R. Finley. Finley is indebted to Traughber $106 by virtue of three notes. $70 from Finley to Michael Keller, assigned to Traughber, $26 Finley to Traughber, and $17 Finley to Traughber. Plus another note for $65 not yet due. Finley has left the state and resides in Alabama but has left goods and merchandise sufficient to satisfy the debts in the hands of Michael Trauber. [Montgomery Vanderpool, Logan County, Kentucky Abstract of Equity Cases, Vol. 2, page 77.]
26 May 1821 Equity Suit: Hiram Rice vs. Michael Trobough. In February 1821 Rice lent Joseph R. Finley a $50 bank note, whereupon Finley left the state for Alabama. Although Finely is out of the jurisdiction, he left goods in the possession of Michael Trobaugh (sometimes rendered Trobough). The goods are to satisfy a judgment in favor of William Trobaugh, but are more than enough. in August the court ordered the goods sold and Rice paid $40 from the proceeds. [Montgomery Vanderpool, Logan County, Kentucky Abstract of Equity Cases, Vol. 3, page 9.]
21 Feb 1822 Marriage: William Traughber and Permelia Gorham. License issued on __ February 1822 was returned by W. Aingell on this date. [Logan County Index to Marriages 1818-1900, Book 1, p32.]
This is Michael Trobough’s eldest son, and my ancestor, marrying a month before his 24th birthday.
1 Nov 1822 Deed: William Kirkland to Michael Troughber, … whereas William and Michael Trobough have purchased of Ninion Edwards a tract of land dated 5 July 1813… the partners now divide land and in consideration of $1 the sd. William does convey to sd. Michael one moity in sd tract containing 101½ acres. Witness: Robert Ewing, W. M. McCurdy, Robert Parker, Thomas C. Drane, James Poor. Recorded 5 May 1823. [Logan County Deed Book L, p312]
9 Aug 1824 Deed: Anna Rust, widow, and John Rust, Jacob Rust, Abraham Rust, Isaac Rust, Daniel Rust, Elizabeth Rust, Henry Troughber and Caty his wife formerly Caty Rust, the heirs of Jacob Rust, deceased, and Roulon Allen by Marmaduke B. Morton, comm. to execute a decree of Logan County Circuit Court release to John Johnson one-half of one undivided moity of 182½ acres… [Logan County Deed Book M, p380]
1 Oct 1824 Deed: Samuel, John, and Jacob Widick to Michael Trobough, $325, 100 acres on waters of Red River… John Copeland’s line… tract where Samuel Widick now lives… Recorded 4 October 1824. [Logan County Deed Book M, p436]
14 Mar 1825 Marriage License Issued: Jonathan Rhoror and Polly Trobough, returned ___ 1826. [Logan County Index to Marriages 1818-1900, Book 1, p51.]
25 May 1826 Deed: John Widick to John Trobough, for $1,000, 145 acres between the forks of the Red River… corner of William Robert’s military survey… Robert Paisley’s line… to have free use of sinkhole spring… Witness: Adam Pence, James Crewdson Recorded 2 October 1826. [Logan County Deed Book O, p141]
11 Nov 1826 Estate Inventory: Valuation of property of Michael Traughber, deceased, by James Crewdson, George Rigg, and John Mefford. Recorded 5 March 1827. [Logan County Will Book C, p383-385]
His inventory shows that he was a relatively successful planter. It included 19 cattle, 6 horses, 13 hogs, 5 sheep and 40 geese, a very large quantity of tools and farm implements, and a “large Dutch Bible” together with another Bible, and a book on “The Life of Washington”. The list of furniture shows a large family – including 16 chairs, five feather beds and a dozen each knives, forks, and spoons. It also including some luxuries of the time – a brass clock, fire irons, wagons and saddles. The sale netted $672.
He also held more than $900 in notes on a dozen other men including his son-in-law Michael Keller and Jacob Mefford, as well as a note for $112.89 owed by William Traughber.
4 Dec 1826 Deed: Catherine Smelser and Charles Weaver (both of Shenandoah County, Virginia) to Elizabeth Traughber, wife of Michael Traughber deceased, Daniel Traughber, Elizabeth Keller, William Traughber, Henry Traughber, Polly Reller [Rohrer], Sarah Traughber, Catherine Traughber David Traughber, Nancy Traughber, Penelope Traughber, children and heirs of Michael Traughber dec., all their right, title and claim to the estate of Michael Traughber… parties abovementioned agree to give to the said a signed affidavit, a bond that was last executed by Gordon Weaver for £70, and also $50 which shall be in full for their interest in said estate. Acknowledged in Shenandoah County, Virginia 4 December 1826 where Catherine Smelser and Charles Weaver made appearance… [Logan County Deed Book O, p208]
Why would Catherine Smelser and Charles Weaver have a claim on the estate? Especially one worth (apparently) £70 plus $50? A plausible answer is that she was his first wife, perhaps one who was either never divorced or never officially married and Charles Weaver is her son. She may be – probably was – the same person as the Catherine Weaver whom Michael Trobough took out a bond to marry in 1792. Charles Weaver appears to be her son, living near Catherine and her husband Jacob Smelser at this time. (An illegitimate son of Michael and Catherine would legally assume her surname.)
I note that this is dated almost immediately after Michael Traughber’s death, so the administrator must have been in a hurry to obtain this release. The settlement of the estate contains a notation that Daniel Traughber was paid $35 for “going to Virginia to settle business of the estate.” Surely this was the business referred to.
5 Mar 1827 Recorded: estate sale of Michael Traughber, deceased, by William Traughber. [Logan County Will Book C, p385-389]
The estate sale fills five full pages and yielded $672. Elizabeth Traughber purchased large quantities of household furnishings and equipment. William Traughber Senr. and William Traughber Junr. made a number of purchases as well. Other buyers included Henry Traughber, David Traughber, Sally Traughber, Jacob Mefford, and a large number of neighbors.
4 April 1827 Land Division: partition of land of Michael Trobough to the heirs, by commissioners Samuel Wilson, William Aingell, and George King. One large plantation of 1,046 acres, smaller tracts of 104 acres, 49.5 acres, and one outlying tract on Clifty Creek of 100 acres. Each child received a 1/10 share of the Clifty Creek parcel in addition to the division below. [Logan County Will Book C, p399]
Widow’s Dower of 125 acres, including the mansion house, spring, and orchards
Lot #1 87 acres William Trobough
Lot #2 100 acres Elizabeth Keller, “formerly Elizabeth Trobough, who married Michael Keller”
Lot #3 80 acres Sally Trobough
Lot #4 86 acres Catherine Trobough
Lot #5 90 acres Penelope Trobough
Lot #6 113 acres David Trobough
Lot #7 157 acres Henry Trobough
Lot #8 152 acres Polly Rorer, formerly Trobough, +13 acres of timber to make the value equal to the others
Lot #9 104 acres Daniel Trobough (in a separate tract), +23 acres of timber to make the value equal to the others
Lot #10 49.5 acres Nancy Trobough (on road from Russellville to Nashville), + 20 acres adjoining the dower land, + 2 lots in the town of Adairville
The main plantation was divided into the widow’s dower land, the first 8 lots, the 36 acres of timber given to Polly and Daniel, and the 20 acres given to Nancy – totaling 1,046 acres. Polly’s 152-acre tract contained the easternmost portion of the tract “not far from the mouth of a large cave”. Nancy’s 49.5-acre tract was a separate holding, apparently made valuable by the fact that it straddled the Russellville-to-Nashville Road “by Adairville”. The 36 acres of timber were located at the very southern end of the tract, the dower land in the middle.
19 May 1827 Estate Inventory: William Trobough, deceased, by appraisers James Crudson, Wm. Burr, and Samuel Paisley. Recorded 4 June 1827. [Logan County Will Book C, p403]
The personal property consisted mainly of a slave named Hannah valued at $200. The other personal property was modest: a “German Hymn Book”, Bible and prayer book, a dozen pigs, one cow and one horse, and a variety of household furniture, utensils, and tools. That property yielded only $140 in the estate sale. However, he held a note on Michael Traughber for $436, one on John Widick for $151, and one on Henry Traughber for $24.
19 May 1827 Estate Sale: William Trobough, deceased, recorded on 7 July 1829 by Adam Pence, administrator of Henry Trobough deceased, who had been administrator of William Trobough, deceased. [Logan County Will Book D, page 207]
Purchasers included Henry Traughber, “Little Henry Traughber”, William Traughber Senr. and William Traughber Junr., John Traughber, and many others. No widow participated. The slave Hannah sold for $150.
Henry Traughber was alive on this date, as he bought items at the sale, but he died before recording the sale. The estate sale was recorded at the same time as the final settlement.
15 Sept 1827 Division of land of John Trobough, deceased. By order of the court dated 5 September 1827 the following division of his tract of 214 acres was made by commissioners Samuel Wilson, James Crewdson, William Traughber, and George King. Recorded 1 October 1827. [Logan County Will book D, p18]
The tract of 214 acres was surveyed and divided into six pieces. “Beginning at a black oak said to stand on the Tennessee State line… King’s corner… King’s line… thence 185 poles along the Tennessee State line to the beginning.”
Lot #1 28½ acres Michael Traughber
Lot #2 28½ acres Levi Traughber
Lot #3 28½ acres Jonathan Traughber
Lot #4 28½ acres Henry Traughber
Lot #5 28½ acres Mary Ann Traughber
Dower 71½ acres Widow (Elizabeth Traughber)
The administrator was apparently William Traughber, brother of John Traughber. See 7 April 1828 for the deed.
19 Sep 1827 Survey: 1025 acres surveyed for William Trobough on waters of Red River in Logan County. [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #57. Also mentioned in Jillson, p749.]
14 Nov 1827 Recorded: Inventory of estate of Henry Traughber recorded by administrators Eve Traughber and Adam Pence. [Logan County Will Book D, p83]
The inventory was relatively modest, totaling just about $595. It included a “Dutch Testament”, 9 cows, 3 horses, 33 hogs, 27 geese, 13 sheep, six knives and forks, 2 pewter dishes, 4 bowls, six cups and saucers, a barrel of brandy, and cotton and wheat in the field.
16 Nov 1827 Estate Sale: Property of Henry Traughber, deceased, by administrators Eve Traughber and Adam Pence, recorded 5 May 1828. [Logan County Will Book D, pp58-60]
The sale netted a considerable sum. The widow was the major purchaser, mainly buying household furniture and equipment and a modest amount of livestock. Other purchasers of note were John Traughber, Adam Pence, Stephen F. Slaughter, and Henry Hiltenbrand.
15 Jan 1828 Deed: Bartley Pitts and Polly his wife of Robertson County, Tennessee to Henry Troughber, for $400, 100 acres… part of Thomas Barker grant… William Trober’s corner… Witness: Edward Hampton, Joseph Pitts. Recorded 3 October 1828. [Logan County Deed Book P, page 152]
3 Mar 1828 Inventory: Estate of William Traughber, deceased, by Adam Pence administrator (who was administrator of Henry Traughber deceased, the original administrator of William Traughber deceased). [Logan County Will Book D, page 81]
7 Apr 1828 Deeds: Distribution of 28.5 acres each from estate of John Traughber to Henry, Jonathan, Levi, Michael, and Mary Ann Traughber. [Logan County Deed Book P, p63, p64, p65, p66, and p67]
See entry at 15 September 1827.
1 Jun 1828 Estate Settlement: John Traughber, deceased, by William Traughber, administrator. No details, just mention that the balance after expenses was $59.65. [Logan County Will Book D, page 55]
31 July 1828 Survey: 17 acres surveyed for William Trobough. [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #64. Also mentioned in Jillson, p749.]
15 Nov 1828 Estate Settlement: Michael Traughber, deceased, by William Traughber, administrator. Recorded 1 December 1828. [Logan County Will Book D, pages 136-7]
Estate sale: $672.48
Notes on hand: $904.63
Subtotal $1,932.90
Expense vouchers 1-20 $282.40 (not individually listed)
Expense vouchers 21-30 $128.82 (not individually listed)
Allowed to Daniel Traughber for going to Virginia to settle business of the estate: $35
Total Expenses: $506.12
Other income $135.00
Balance in hands of administrator: $1,561.77
One cannot help but wonder if Daniel Traughber went to Virginia to obtain the release from Catherine Smelser and Charles Weaver.
6 Jan 1829 Deed: Joseph Mefford to William Trobough, for $50, 18½ acres… Red River… Recorded same date. [Logan County Deed Book P, p303]
10 Apr 1829 Deed: Henry Troughber to James Crewdson, 150 acres… my portion of land as legatee of Michael Troughber… Recorded 11 April 1829. [Logan County Deed Book P, p360]
18 Apr 1829 Deeds: Distribution of real property of Michael Troughber, deceased. [Logan County Deed Book P, pp404-413]
See entry at 4 April 1827 for details.
24 Apr 1829 Estate Settlement: William Traughber, deceased (by Adam Pence, administrator of Henry Traughber who was administrator of William Traughber). [Logan County Will Book D, page 208-9]
Proceeds of estate sale: $289.66
Note on Michael Traughber: $436
Note on Henry Traughber: $24
Note on John Widick: $151
Other notes: $24
Expenses: $69.77
Balance remaining: $913.69
20 May 1829 Marriage: James Moutray and Letty Trobough, by license issued on 20 January 1829. [Logan County Index to Marriages 1818-1900, Book 1, p51.]
7 Sep 1829 Estate Settlement: estate of Henry Traughber by Adam Pence, administrator. Estate sale yielded $510.40. Expenses (not detailed) of $163.17, minor expenses, leaving a balance remaining of $317.75. [Logan County Will Book D, page 227]
— Oct 1829 Marriage License Issued: Jabel Burton (sic) and Sarah Traughber, no return. [Logan County Index to Marriages 1818-1900, Book 1, p83.]
22 Dec 1829 Marriage License Issued: John Trober to Ellen K. Ross, no return. [Logan County Index to Marriages 1818-1900, Book 1, p83.]
11 Jan 1830 Land Division: Commissioners James Crewdson, John Paisley, and Alex. Morgan divided 170 acres belonging to Henry Traughber, deceased. The description mentions 10 poles of frontage on the Red River, “the road”, and Paisley’s line.
Lot #1 58 acres Jubal Burton, husband of Sally Traughber
Lot #2 58 acres John Traughber
Dower 54 acres Widow (Eve Traughber)
12 Jan 1830 Deed: Eve Troughber, Jubal Burton and Sally his wife, heirs of Henry Troughber, to John Troughber, one of the heirs… (no acreage or consideration mentioned). Recorded 3 May 1830. [Logan County Deed Book Q, page 349]
12 Jan 1830 Deed: Eve Troughber and John Troughber, heirs of Henry Troughber, to Jubal Burton.. (no acreage or consideration mentioned). Recorded 14 January 1830. [Logan County Deed Book Q, page 370]
10 Sep 1830 Deed: James Mootry and sally his wife, late Sally Trobough, to John Roberts… tract which fell to Sally Mootry as legatee of Michael Trobough. Witness” James Crewdson, William Troughber. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book Q, page 305]
16 Sep 1830 Estate Inventory & Appraisal: Elizabeth Traughber, deceased, by James Crewdson, James Porter, and George King. Recorded 3 January 1831. [Logan County Will Book D, page 384-5]
The household goods generally match the purchased she made at the estate sale of Michael Traughber.
6 Jan 1831 Deed: Henry Troughber and Neomi his wife to George King, for $150, 28 acres… original survey of John Troughber… Recorded 8 August 1831. [Logan County Deed Book Q, page 521]
Henry is selling the land he inherited from his father John.
2 Aug 1831 Deed: John Troughber and his wife Mary to James B. Bowling, for $450, 72 acres… middle fork of Red River… rock near Bowling’s fence… Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book Q, page 547]
This appears to be half the 145 acres purchased in 1826.
16 Sep 1831 Deed: John Troughber and Ellen K. his wife to Jubal Burton, for #232, 58 acres… Red River… Paisley’s line… Recorded 17 September 1831. [Logan County Deed Book R, page 29]
This is John of Henry, wasting little time in selling his inherited land to his sister and brother-in-law.
18 Jan 1833 Deed: Daniel Troughber and wife Mary H. of Montgomery County, Kentucky to John K. McClendon, for $312, 104 acres… Red River… Recorded 19 January 1833. [Logan County Deed Book R, page 341]
10 Apr 1834 Deed: William Traughber, Daniel Traughber, Henry Traughber, Betsy Keller and husband Michael, Polly Rohrer and husband Jonathan, Sally Mootry and husband James, Caty Pitts and husband Warren, Nancy Pence and husband John, Penny Traughber and David Traughber, the only heirs and the husbands of the female children of Michael Traughber deceased, to Ephraim Ewing, for $150, 193 acres on Red River… Recorded 1 May 1834. [Logan County Deed Book T, page 45]
17 May 1834 Deed: Daniel Trobough to Henry P. Broadenan, for $100, 23 acres… south fork of Red River… David Trobough line… Recorded 20 May 1834. [Logan County Deed Book T, page 125]
This is the separate 23 acres of timber that he received in the distribution
19 June 1834 Power of Attorney: Henry Traughber of Macon County, Illinois to my brother William Traughber, power of attorney to make a deed to Tomkins Bradley. Recorded 8 October 1835. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 71]
10 Nov 1835 Deed: Henry Traughber and Omi his wife of Logan County to Jonathan Traughber of Robertson County, Tennessee, for $200, 50 acres… William Gamble’s corner… being half of a 100-acre tract on which sd Henry now lives… Witness: John Proctor, Evan McPherson. Recorded 16 November 1835. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 93]
This is half of the tract on the state line that he bought in 1828, now selling to his brother.
7 Mar 1836 Survey: 142 acres surveyed for William Trobough on Red River. [Logan County Index to Surveys 1796-1840, Survey #142.]
8 Oct 1835 Deed: William Traughber (acting as attorney for Henry Traughber) to Tompkins Bradley, for $600, 157 acres… Jonathan Rohrer’s field… George King’s line… Recorded same date. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 76]
See 19 June 1834. This is Henry Traughber’s inherited land.
12 Mar 1836 Deed: David Traughber and wife Emmy Ann to Jacob Grau?, for $500, 113 acres… including where he now lives… Witness: John Proctor, Evan McPherson. Recorded 26 March 1836. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 268]
This is the land he inherited from his father Michael Traughber.
28 Mar 1836 Deed: Jubal Burton and Sally his wife of the first part, and John Traughber son of Henry Traughber dec’d and his wife Ellen of the second part and Joseph Fiser and Eve his wife formerly widow of Henry Troughber dec’d of Robertson County of the third part, to James B. Bowling, for $1,220, 152½ acres… middle fork of Red River… it being all that parcel of land deeded to Henry Troughber by William Troughber and Robert Paisley and upon which Henry Troughber died… Recorded 6 April 1836. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 269]
6 Oct 1836 Deed: Jonathan Rohrer and wife Polly of Morgan County, Illinois to William Trober, for $45, all my interest in dower of Elizabeth Trober, sd. interest being derived from my marriage with Polly, daughter of Michael Trober dec’d. Recorded 11 October 1836. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 442]
29 Oct 1836 Deed: Jacob Cook and Mary his wife to Jonathan Trobough of Robertson County, Tennessee, for $142, 28½ acres… (the land inherited from estate of John Traughber). Witness: John Proctor, Evan McPherson. Recorded same date. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 485]
15 Dec 1836 Deed: Michael Keller and Elizabeth his wife, William Troughber, Daniel Troughber, Henry Troughber, David Troughber, Jonathan Rohrer and Polly his wife, James Moutry and Sally his wife, Warren M. Pitts and Catherine his wife, John Pence and Nancy his wife, Henry Hodge and Penelope his wife, heirs of Michael Troughber dec’d, to William Troughber Sr., 8 acres of land surveyed for William Troughber on middle fork of Red River… near John Mefford’s house… Recorded 26 December 1836. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 516]
This appears to be the 8-acre parcel that William Traughber bought in 1816 and sold to Michael Traughber back in 1818. Could the 1818 deed have been a mortgage?
17 Dec 1836 Deed: Henry Troughber of Macon County, Illinois to William Troughber, for $45, my title and claim to dower of Elizabeth Troughber late wife of Michael Troughber… Recorded same date. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 507]
7 Jan 1837 Deed: Jonathan Troughber and Brownetta his wife to Henry Freeman of Robertson County, Tennessee, for $570, 57 acres and 28½ acres… Witness: John Proctor, Evan McPherson. Recorded 11 January 1837. [Logan County Deed Book U, page 538]
2 May 1837 Deed: Levi Traughber to Thompson Pitts, for $150.75, 28½ acres… my division from John Troughber dec’d. Recorded 29 November 1837. [Logan County Deed Book V, page 402]
13 Jan 1838 Deed: John Pence and Nancy his wife to William Trobough, for $725, 1/10 part of 136 acre tract being dower of Elizabeth Trobough plus 20 acres adjoining above dower land, plus Lot #52 in town of Adairville including residence of sd Trobough. Witness: Christian Orndorff, Evan McPherson. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book V, page 484
25 Oct 1838 Deed: William Trobough and Permelia his wife to Richard Hutchens, for $90, 9 acres adjoining the 96 acres conveyed by Thomas W. Townsend and wife to Hutchins. Witness: John Proctor, Evan McPherson. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book W, page 67]
This is my own Traughber ancestor, eldest son of Michael Traughber, and his wife Permelia Gorham.
9 Nov 1839 Deed: Martin Blainey and Penelope his wife of Morgan County, Illinois to William Troughber, for $52, our undivided interest in 136 acres of Red River being the same land allotted to Elizabeth Troughber as her dower in land of her dec’d husband Michael Troughber… Penelope being one of the childen of sd. Michael… also our interest in 100 acres of Clifty. [Logan County Deed Book W, page 440]
4 Apr 1840 Deed: William Trobough and Permelia his wife to William B. Harris, for $1,100, 100 acres on Red River…. Witness: John Proctor, Thomas W. Townsend. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book X, page 48]
20 Jun 1840 Deed: William Trobough and Pamely his wife to Thomas Woodard of Robertson County, Tennessee, for $1,302.50, corner lot on which I now live in town of Adairville, Lot #52. Witness: John Proctor, Thomas W. Townsend. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book W, page 110]
18 Jan 1841 Jonathan Troughber and Brewnet his wife of Carrel [sic] County, Missouri to Henry Troughber, for $300, 50 acres… being the south half of 100 acres on which Samuel C. Clinton now lives… Witness: John Proctor, Thomas W. Townsend. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book W, page 273]
12 Jul 1841 Deed: Polly Pitts, wife of Bartley Pitts of Carrel [sic] County, Missouri, relinquishment of dower (no further explanation) [Logan County Deed Book W, page 544]
15 Feb 1842 Deed: Henry Troughber and wife Naomi to Thomas V. Rutherford, for $776, 97 acres on Red River… William Troughber’s corner… thence with the State Line… Witness: John Proctor, Thomas W. Townsend. Recorded same date. [Logan County Deed Book Y, page 72]
12 Oct 1841 Deed: John Mefford to William Traughber, for $125, 18 acres…middle fork of Red River… Jacob Grau’s line… Recorded 18 April 1842. [Logan County Deed Book Y, page 137]
25 Dec 1845 Deed: William Troughber and Permelia his wife to John T. King, for $1,540, 110 acres on Red River… 2 miles east of Adairville… James Burns line… Witness: John Proctor, John Farmer. Recorded 14 July 1846. [Logan County Deed Book 27, page 414]
25 Dec 1845 Deed: William Troughber and Permelia his wife to Richard Hudgings, for $560, 40 acres… being part of the place where said William now lives… beginning at the corner of the place I bought of John Roberts… Burr’s line… Witness: John Proctor, John Farmer. Recorded 8 March 1847. [Logan County Deed Book 28, page 142]
21 Mar 1846 Deed: Nathaniel Russell and wife Lydia Ann to Sarah Traughber, for $150, 15 acres… south fork of Red River… to Abraham Smith’s land… Lot #1… Witness: Evan McPherson. Recorded 27 March 1846. [Logan County Deed Book 27, page 326]
14 May 1847 Deed: Doctor Bailey of Robertson County, Tennessee by his guardian Nathaniel Russell to Andrew Traughber, for $150, 42 acres being lot #3 in division of land of John Bailey dec’d. Recorded same date. [Logan County Deed Book 28, page 231]
11 Oct 1847 Deed: William Traughber of Dallas County, Texas to John W. Gorham of Robertson County, Tennessee, for $100, 10 acres on waters of Little Whippoorwill Creek… William Gorham’s line… line of Mary Haddox heirs… Witness: Evan McPherson, James T. Gorham. Recorded 15 June 1848. [Logan County Deed Book 28, page 803]
23 Oct 1848 Deed: Richard Hutchings to my grandson Emanuel Traughber, he being the only heir my daughter Lucy Traughber ever had, she now being dead, 55 acres tract of and on which I now live… Barksdale Spencer’s SE corner… Emanuel Hutching’s corner… Recorded 6 November 1848. [Logan County Deed Book 29, page 42]
15 Jan 1847 Deed: Andrew Traughber and Sarah his wife to Abram Smith, $16, ___ acres… middle fork of Red River. Recorded 20 November 1848. Witness: Eli Ornsdorff, John Farmer. [Logan County Deed Book 29, page 66]
18 Aug 1851 2 acres surveyed for Big Wm. Troubough on middle fork of Red River in Robertson County, Tennessee [Jillson, p944]
31 Jan 1853 Deed: Jacob C. Cook and Mary P. F. Cook his wife to Daniel Traughber, for $520, 84 acres… Red River… J. T. King’s corner. Witness: James Burr, John T. King. Recorded 3 June 1853. [Logan County Deed Book 32, page 269]
4 May 1854 Marriage: Marion Holeman and Elizabeth Traughber, by license issued on 1 May 1854. Performed at the home of John T. Traughber by W. W. Gun, M.G. [Logan County Marriage Book 2, p113]
23 Dec 1854 Deed: Emanuel Traughber and Elizabeth his wife to Samson Johnson of Robertson County, Tennessee, for $1,375, 55 acres on Red River… Barksdale Spencer’s line… James Burr line… Recorded 27 January 1855 [Logan County Deed Book 33, page 418]
5 Jan 1855 Deed: James Ivey and Barbary his wife of Graves County, Kentucky to James S. Traughber, for $250, all our right, title and interest in estate of William Traughber dec’d, the sd Barbary being a daughter of William Traughber… Recorded 10 January 1855. [Logan County Deed Book 33, page 392]
12 Jan 1855 Estate Sale: William Traughber. James Traughber, the administrator, recorded both the inventory and estate sale on 22 March 1855. The estate amounted to less than $12. [Logan County Appraisals, Inventories, etc., Book G, pages 416-417]
The date of the estate sale was written as 12 January 1854, then the last digit scratched out. His gravestone shows he died in October 1854 so the date of the sale must have been in 1855 rather than 1854.
13 Aug 1855 Deed: Jacob Traughber and wife Catherine of Clay County, Illinois to James S. Traughber, for $250, two tracts of land on Red River… all their right, title and interest in estate of William Traughber dec’d. Recorded 16 October 1855. [Logan County Deed Book 34, page 91]
13 Oct 1855 Deed: Daniel Traughber and Elizabeth his wife to Jacob Mefford, for $300, two tracts of land… all their right, title and interest in estate of William Traughber dec’d. Recorded same day. [Logan County Deed Book 34, page 84]
13 Oct 1855 Deed: John Chapman and Ann his wife, daughter of William Traughber, of Graves County, Kentucky to Jacob Mefford, for $300, two tracts of 125 acres… all our right, title, and interest in the estate of William Traughber dec’d. Recorded 8 December 1856. [Logan County Deed Book 34, page 257]
28 Sep 1855 Deed: Jonathan Traughber and Brunetta his wife of Carroll County, Missouri to Jacob C. Cook, for $135, rights and interest in (71½ acres) adjacent to Tennessee State line being the same that was laid off as a dower to Elizabeth Traughber, Jonathan’s mother, on which she now lives and holds dower rights… bounded on south side by D. G. Baird… Recorded 31 October 1855. [Logan County Deed Book 34, page 130]
The widow’s dower was, of course, only a lifetime interest. Upon her death title reverted to her heirs. Jonathan is now selling his share to his sister and brother-in-law.
23 Mar 1856 Marriage: A. J. Traughber and R. N. Hannum, by license issued same date. Performed at the home of Margaret Hannum by E. W. Gunn, M.G. [Logan County Marriage Book 2, p143.]
26 Apr 1856 Deed: William Traughber of Christian County, Illinois to James S. Traughber, for $260, all my interest in the estate of my deceased father William Traughber. [Logan County Deed Book 34, page 429]
23 Jan 1856 Deed: Jackson Rust and Sarah his wife of Graves County, Kentucky to James S. Traughber, for $35.50, all our interest in the estate of William Traughber deceased. Recorded 3 July 1856. [Logan County Deed Book 34, page 523]
25 Apr 1856 Deed: George W. Babb and Elizabeth his wife, Samuel J. Murphy and Eliza his wife, Joseph F. Drake and Frances his wife of Graves County, Kentucky, Alexander Traughber and Rebecca his wife, and George Simmons and Mary Ann his wife of Robertson County, Tennessee to James S. Traughber; Elizabeth, Eliza, and Frances being heirs of Henry Traughber deceased who was a son of William Traughber deceased; Mary Ann being a daughter of William Traughber deceased, for $35.10 each, all our interest in the estate of William Traughber. Recorded 17 February 1857. [Logan County Deed Book 35, page 140]
27 Sep 1856 Deed: W. K. Bowling and his wife Melissa of Davidson County, Tennessee to John Traughber, lot in Adairville… bounded on west by John Farmer’s lot, on south by Gallatin Road… Recorded 27 June 1857. [Logan County Deed Book 35, page 324]
7 Mar 1857 Deed: Margaret Campbell, Samuel G. Campbell, Harriet Slack, John W. Slack, John P. Hannum, James M. Hannum, Henrietta Parsons, and James Parsons to Andrew J. Traughber, for $457.14, all our interest, which is 5/7, in 320-acre tract of land on Muddy River patented to Jonathan Hannum who died leaving seven heirs, Rachel N. Traughber, wife of Andrew J. Traughber being the sixth heir… Recorded 23 November 1858. [Logan County Deed Book 36, page 267]
3 May 1859 Deed: Jacob Mefford and Sarah his wife, John Traughber and Mary his wife to James S. Traughber, for $1, our undivided right and title to that part of the landed estate of William Traughber deceased… this deed is made in order to have an equal division of the estate… [Logan County Deed Book 36, page 457]
Deed: James S. Traughber and Caroline his wife, Jacob Mefford and Sarah his wife to John Traughber… (Same as above) [Logan County Deed Book 36, page 463]
17 Apr 1860 Deed: George W. Traughber and Elizabeth his wife of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky to George A. King, for $45, 3½ acres on Red River… my undivided interest in tract originally owned by John Traughber… [Logan County Deed Book 37, page 332]
7 June 1860 Inventory: Estate of Elizabeth Traughber by her administrator J. C. Cook. Recorded 25 September 1860. Included a number of notes, including notes on J. C. Cook, J. Mefford, John Traughber, and a dozen others. [Logan County Appraisals, Inventories, Etc, Book K, page 324]
This is the wife of John Traughber, widowed since 1817.
2 Dec 1866 Marriage: John Traughber and M. E. Butt, by G. T. Simmons, Methodist Minister. [Logan County Marriage Book 3, p68.]
7 Feb 1867 Estate Settlement: Estate of James S. Traughber by G. B. Hite, administrator. Balance paid in three equal shares of $153.75 to Caroline Traughber and to Jacob Mefford, guardian of Mary E. Traughber and Sarah E. Traughber. Recorded 25 March 1867. [Logan County Will book K, pages 15-16]
3 Dec 1867 Land Division: Land of James S. Traughber, deceased. 98½ acres valued at $40/acre:
Lot #1 “to widow (since married) now Caroline Ramsey… beginning at a rock in the state line…” adjacent to Jacob Mefford and George A. King… plus timber to be taken off the east end of Lots 2 & 3 due to “worn condition of the land, almost no timber and including a graveyard and the inferior order of the buildings…
Lot #2 to Mary Malinda Traughber, infant heir of J. S. Traughber…
Lot #3 to Sarah Ellen Traughber, infant heir of J. S. Traughber…” [Logan County Will book K, pages 84-85]
13 Jan 1868 Estate Sale: Estate of John Traughber deceased by A. J. Traughber, administrator. [Logan County Will book K, page 243]
This is referenced in the settlement.
1 Feb 1871 Estate Settlement: Estate of E. Traughber, deceased, by J. C. Cook administrator. . “Balance of settlement made 4 June 1863” of $261.65 distributed in three equal shares of $65.40 to Jonathan Traughber, G. W. Traughber, and J. C. Cook and $56.20 to Levi Traughber. [Logan County Will book K, pages 359-360]
27 Feb 1871 Estate Settlement: Estate of John Traughber deceased by A. J. Traughber, administrator. Accounting filed 3 September 1869 showing a balance of $968 less $574 paid to creditors. Final accounting filed 27 February 1871 showing a balance of $394.02½ distributed in 8 equal shares to Sarah Benson & John Benson, F. G. Traughber, Lafayette Traughber, D. C. Traughber, M & Eliza Holeman, M. Holeman gdn, F.(?) W. Dixon & wife, and Andrew J. Traughber. Adjusted 24 April 1871 and recorded. [Logan County Will book K, page 243-4 and 363-4]
2 Mar 1871 Estate Settlement: Estate of Mary Traughber deceased by Joseph B. Paisley, administrator. Accounting dated 28 January 1870 shows payments to F. G. Traughber and A. J. Traughber, administrator of John Traughber. Final settlement dated 2 March 1871 shows eight equal shares of $107.20 paid to Martha A. Dickenson, L. Traughber, A. J. Traughber, Marion Holman, Eliza Holman, A. J. Traughber agent for David Traughber, Sarah Benson, and F. G. Traughber. [Logan County Will book K, pages 316-7 and 381-2]
8 Nov 1869 Marriage: A. J. Traughber and J. S. Holman, by E. T. Hart, M.G., at the home of Alexander Traughber. [Logan County Marriage Book 3, p100.]
17 Dec 1884 Marriage: G. W. Traughber and Sallie M. W. Pitt at the home of W. A. Pitt. [Logan County Marriage Book 3, p223.]
23 Dec 1966 Letter from Reta E. Hannah Oakes of Eugene, Oregon to Mrs. Vicks: [Vick Papers, Logan County, Kentucky Library]
“…Mrs. Marguerite Robinson of Smithflat, California, is a double cousin of your friend, Mr. Edward Manley. Mrs. Robinson and I are of the Va. Hudlow family, her Susanna and my Elizabeth [Hudlow] being orphan sisters bound out to Wm. Traughbaw, or Trobough, of Rockingham Co., Va. About 1809, Susanna Hudlow who m. Jacob Mefford, and another sister Anna Hudlow, who m. George Mefford, went to Logan Co., Ky. William Troughbaugh and Elizabeth Hudlow also went to that location. Elizabeth was born in 1796 in Rockingham Co., Va. so in 1809 she was but 13 years old.
I am a great granddaughter of Thomas Hannah and Elizabeth Hudlow… Our family history here in Oregon knows that they were born in Va.… Elizabeth [was born] June 26, 1796. That they lived in Tenn. by 1828. Went to Ill. then to Washington Co., Iowa and on to Oregon in 1852.”